showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Missile Command Atari1981
[48]***This game was built into the bios of the Atari XE Game System released in 1987.
Missile Command+ in 2006, published by Atari (Infogrames), is a hack of this game

CXL4012 8k cartridge. Common. Press CTRL+T to play in trackball/mouse mode.
Infidel Infocom1983 labelimageminimize
Gremlins Atari1984Prototype 5¼ disk ready to ship but never released (Tramiel?). North America NTSC. 1 player or 2 players alternating.
Herd the Mogwai into cages to keep them out of water and from eating. Sounds simple, but the Mogwai really like fiddling with your dad's malfunctioning inventions that tend to fling food or water. Water from a variety of household sources, including leaks and ice thrown around by the Mogwai, will cause the Mogwai to multiply fast enough to embarrass rabbits. Food is everywhere too and the Mogwai toss it around also. When they eat, they turn into gremlins. Gremlins cannot be herded and must be killed. Attract both by turning on the TV. Temporarily stun both using a camera with disposable flash cubes.
Converted from Atari 5200 by John Seghers, the same programmer.
The Dallas Quest Datasoft1984Based on the series of TV miniserieses collectively know under the title, [i]Dallas[/i]. You play a private investigator hired by Sue Ellen. She wants to collect some oil fields of her own to get rich and leave J.R.